Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Journal 5

Bull, Glen (2006, April). Collaboration in a Web 2.0 Environment. Learning and Leading with Technology, Retrieved March, 2009,
Holla at your boy Glen Bull for taking the web 2.0 by the horns. Haha technology humor! Basically Bull is talking about the incredible additions Web 2.0 has brought with it. In particular the RSS feeds have made syndication extremely simple. RSS feeds allow people to seek out additional information on the web without having to search all over for relevant topics relating to a web pages' content. The article focuses on the use of free aplications avaialable to all users which include: delicious.com, Writely, Bloglines, TaDa lists, and Flickr. All of the before mentioned are excellent collaboration tools, which can be used by students to share and provide informational reseources and links to other sites.

Question 1: Why are RSS feeds so useful for students?

Let's say Jeff Heil is reading an article from the New York Times for his multicultural class. The article is talking about the use of various educational methods for multicultural students when the term "inclusive education" arises. Oh fooey! Jeff doesn't know what that means, but a lot of people don't know what it means. Knowing this the New York Times has provided an RSS feed which takes the reader to an explanation of Inclusive Schooling all with the click of a button. Saves time, confusion, and is a great way to help people become more knowledgable about everything!

Question 2: Why is simple syndication so important?

Even in a technologically advanced society waiting 30 seconds at a microwave seems like a terrible waste of time just to feed our bellies. So who wants to go searching for information in the middle of an article when there are so many things to do? No one, which is why simple syndication allows quick and efficient collaboration. Way to go 2.0! Haha technology poetry!

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