Thursday, April 2, 2009

Journal 7: Make it Easy

Bigenho, Chris (2009, March/April). Mining For Gold. Learning and leading with Technology, Retrieved April/2/2009, from

Did you know that you can receive only the information you are interested in on the Internet through an RSS Aggregator? The aggregator collects updated information from the Internet, and based on the preferences you set your aggregator to it will send you the information only from the topics you have chosen as points of interest. That's like watching TV and only having to view the funny commercials you actually enjoy watching! According to Bigenho the RSS aggregator is one of the least utilized tools of Web 2.0 because most people don't understand how to use it. It is as simple as using the RSS feed and setting your preferences to the information you would like to know about. As a person who is interested in sports all I need to do is set my aggregator preferences to things like Football News, Basketball News, ect. and every time the aggregator picks up something new related to my topics it sends it directly to me. The aggregator is convenient because it weeds out all of the other countless articles and news on other things I do not care about.

Question 1: How can high school students use aggregator as a tool for the classroom?

Answer: Students can set up their own personal aggregators and preferences to receive information on various topics. The teacher can assign a variety of topics to class, which the students can add to their prefernces. Prior to coming to class students can easily access information about the assigned topics, read articles and information, and come to class prepared to talk about the recent events and thoughts on that particular topic. This not only saves the time of having to read in class, but makes it easier for the students to view the right information.

Question 2: Why should students use the RSS Aggregator over google search engine?

Answer: The RSS aggregator does the google search for you as soon as you have logged into your computer. Instead of having to type in the topic and then weed through the mess of articles and opinions of others your information is already waiting for you organized and ready to go.

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