Sunday, February 15, 2009

Jounal 2 - "Museums in the Classroom"

Reissman, Rose (2009, February). Museums in the Classroom. Learning and Leading with Technology, 36, Retrieved February, 2009, from
No Bus fees, no sack lunches being stolen by the bus driver, and best of all no bus rides where the teacher has to control 36 crazy children! I think Museums in the Classroom is a brilliant idea, and shows teachers, students, and parents how wonderful technology can be. Reissman's article touches on the availability of primary resources to students without having to take an actual field trip. There are hundreds of sites students can visit online sharing and providing classrooms with pictures, articles, and activities from museums around the world. Not only can students visit the museums without ever leaving the classroom, but they can also create their own museum tours! Museums in the classroom is ideal for teachers because it allows more time to for the students to explore and learn about various topics. It also helps students hone their skills of navigating online.

Question 1: How could I use Museums in the Classroom as a physical education teacher?

Answer: Although PE takes place mostly in a gymnasium or outside on a field it is important students learn about the history of different sports. As a teacher I could take my students on virtual field trip to various sports museums where my students could learn about the history of the Olympics, other sports, and famous athletes. Visiting the museum online would help my students understand and find more appreciation for the sports the play.

Question 2: How important is it to take a field trip to an actual museum?

Answer: This may sound like a funny question, but I think getting out of school for students and taking them somewhere interesting and fun is important. If a teacher is trying to get a lot of work and research done in a short amount of time, then a virtual field trip is the way to go. However, if there is ample time I think the students do enjoy going to museums, and it is good for them to see things up close and experience hands on activities.

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