Sunday, March 29, 2009

Journal 8: Screencasting - NETS - 3, 4, 5

For my web tool I chose screencasting because I have never heard the term before. Screencasting is basically a video recording of a computer's screen output. In other words the computer screen is filmed usually with an audio narration of what is happening on the computer screen. Screencasting is a great way to develop tutorials for various web programs, web site navigation, or any other internet instruction. I viewed several screencasts through Web 2.0, which included directions on how to design your own website and lessons on why musicians love old school rock. Screencasting could be used as a great tool for the classroom at any age. As a teacher I could use a screencast to teach my students how to use programs like photoshop, excel, word, or any number of other programs. Tutorials through screencasting enable the students to follow along on their own computers while they see what they see on their own screens. The audio aids the audio learners, while the viewing of the screen helps the visual students. There are several different types of programs that can be used in developing a screencast which include: Windows Media Encoder, Wink, Snapz Pro X, IshowU, and many more. After learning about screencasting I will definitely look for tutorials on how to use different programs through the utilization of screencasting.

In this assignment I researched Web 2.0 tool Screencasting to discover it is a great tool for collaborating with students and peers. You can use screencasting to explain an assignment, give directions, or provide a step by step process.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

JC and Jocelyn Cooper Wedding 2009: Music

JC and Jocelyn Cooper Wedding 2009: Music
I like Michael Jackson's Beat it!

Inspiration - NETS-T 1,2,3

In this assignment I used Inspiration 8, which is a program for teachers to use in creating diagrams and other creative documents.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

NETS For High School Students - NETS - 1, 2, 3, 5

By using powerpoint I was able to create a slideshow presentation, which I could show to my students on a weekly basis. Powerpoint is a simple way of incorporating technology in the classroom.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Journal 5

Bull, Glen (2006, April). Collaboration in a Web 2.0 Environment. Learning and Leading with Technology, Retrieved March, 2009,
Holla at your boy Glen Bull for taking the web 2.0 by the horns. Haha technology humor! Basically Bull is talking about the incredible additions Web 2.0 has brought with it. In particular the RSS feeds have made syndication extremely simple. RSS feeds allow people to seek out additional information on the web without having to search all over for relevant topics relating to a web pages' content. The article focuses on the use of free aplications avaialable to all users which include:, Writely, Bloglines, TaDa lists, and Flickr. All of the before mentioned are excellent collaboration tools, which can be used by students to share and provide informational reseources and links to other sites.

Question 1: Why are RSS feeds so useful for students?

Let's say Jeff Heil is reading an article from the New York Times for his multicultural class. The article is talking about the use of various educational methods for multicultural students when the term "inclusive education" arises. Oh fooey! Jeff doesn't know what that means, but a lot of people don't know what it means. Knowing this the New York Times has provided an RSS feed which takes the reader to an explanation of Inclusive Schooling all with the click of a button. Saves time, confusion, and is a great way to help people become more knowledgable about everything!

Question 2: Why is simple syndication so important?

Even in a technologically advanced society waiting 30 seconds at a microwave seems like a terrible waste of time just to feed our bellies. So who wants to go searching for information in the middle of an article when there are so many things to do? No one, which is why simple syndication allows quick and efficient collaboration. Way to go 2.0! Haha technology poetry!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Journal 4 - Hook Em' Up!

Riedel, Chris (2009, January). Create, Collaborate, Communicate:Empowering Students with 21st Century Skills. T.H.E. Journal, Retrieved 2009, February,
Riedel's article is basically stating that the current educational curriculum is not up to par with technology standards. The survey on IT savvy jobs was shocking to see that education was at the bottom of the pile! I understand what Riedel is getting at with his point that education needs to catch up with the rest of society. Children are more technically advanced and versed than ever before, but it's teachers who are struggling to keep up with all of the new technology tools available to assist classroom lessons. However, in an economic recession we can't even hold on to teacher's jobs let alone purchase the latest educational technology. I am sick and tired of hearning about how our teachers need this and that under the circumstances of our financial situation. Yes, we do need to do our best to provide our students and teachers with the most recent technology available, but not at the cost of jobs and larger class sizes. Something has to take priority, and in my opinion basic education must come before fancy new technology. Now with this said, part of basic education should incorporate technology use a requirement. I think the most benificial way I could use technology as a PE teacher would be to use a nutrition program to allow my students to chart out their diets. The program would enable the students to see how many calories they are eating and burning in order to adjust their goals of weight loss, gain, or maintain. Learning how to use a program like this would help the students carry their knowledge into later years, which will hopefully encourage them to watch what they eat and how much they exercise.

1. How does the education curriculum ensure students will be technology savvy?

The basic school curriculum needs to include technology classes that allow students to learn basic technology skills like Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and an online etiquette class. This will help students understand the basic tech skills, which hopefully will allow them to learn other programs more easily.

2. How does the state not go broke while giving schools the necessary technology it needs to keep up with the times?

As a system we need to ask for the help of different technology companies to help donate equipment. In return we can promote the products we receive from the company.