Monday, January 26, 2009

Intro Letter - Hey Hey

Hey Techno class... since you are probably the only ones ever to red my blog; my name is JC Cooper and I teach special ed PE! I was born and raised in Carlsbad, CA where I attended Magnolia Elementary, Valley Middle School, and Carlsbad High School. I attended Villanova University in Philadelphia on a full-ride football scholarship. I received a Bachelor's degree in broadcasting with a minor in English. Ya I know... a football player with a communications degree; don't judge to quick! :)

When it comes to computers I'm a hater... but only because I'm not great with them. I do have a Mac laptop, which is fantastic! I used to be a sports anchor for ABC so I am pretty familiar with your basic video editing systems and camera operations. However, I pretty much stick to email, micro word and powerpoint, and have fun with photoshop. I am actually excited about this class because technology, especially computer work, does play a significant role in my everyday life as a teacher. I'm pretty sure all of my stuff is 08 on my Mac, but I'm not really sure.

Based on the mission statement of the university there are two aspects that I am working to achieve. As a special ed teacher educational equity is a tremendous and necessary need for special education students. I believe students with mental and physical disablities should be given an equal opportunity to learn in a safe and accomadating environment. Often times special ed students only receive love, encouragement, and positive social circles at school, which is why it is so important to offer the same opportunities for all students. I also advocate for social justice in education. Various groups of students are often over looked or left completely out of activities and opportunities based on their disabilities, race, gender, and overall appearance. As teachers it is crucial to treat every student with respect in order to overcome streotypes and classifications based on judgemental opinions. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and God bless your day!